Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Come to the Students Against the Pulp Mill Forum

The first Students Against the Pulp Mill get together is being held in Launceston on Saturday, March 1. University of Tasmania cafeteria, Newnham Drive.
Starting at 10am the first session will have a speaker from Tasmanians Against the Pulp mill, to talk about where the campaign is heading to now. Christine Milne, a Greens Senator, will speak about her experience in successfully defeating the Wesley Vale pulp mill. Also a speaker from Resistance will talk about how young people can get involved in the campaign. There will be lots of time for discussion, so bring your ideas.
Lunch will be provided by Food Not Bombs, at a small donation price.
The afternoon session will have workshops on activists skills, like creating a zine, organising Students against the pulp mill groups at school, and political music and songwriting.
Everyone is welcome and carpooling will be leaving from Hobart on Saturday morning and coming back Saturday evening. To book a place in a car or for more information call Gabby on 0400 917 753 or Mel on 0423 978 518.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Peaceful community protest workshops

Get involved in peaceful protest workshops

The Wilderness Society are holding peaceful community protest workshops in Northern Tasmania on March 16th & 17th, 2008. To participate call The Wilderness Society on 6224 1550.

In response to the overwhelming interest and engagement of community members around Australia, workshops in the important philosophies and skills of peaceful community protest are underway.

Peaceful community protest at the construction site is a last resort and we hope it will never be needed. However, we respect the growing feeling in the community that people wish to express their distress at the failure of successive government processes to properly and transparently consider a wide range of concerns about the mill, by peacefully protesting.

The workshops are designed to empower the community to stand up for their future.