Monday, November 19, 2007

Pulp Mill Rally in Hobart

( Mercury Photo)

Around 15,000 people packed Hobart's Franklin Square on Saturday the 17th and marched through city streets to protest against the proposed Gunns pulp mill. The rally started at 12:30 with musical entertainment and speakers which included the Wilderness Society's Vica Bayley, Tasmanians Against the Pulp Mill's Bob McMahon, author Richard Flanagan and Geoffrey Cousin. "Pulp the mill, we can, we will" was one of the favourite chants which was made up by Geoffrey Cousin. Students Against the Pulp Mill joined in the march with "DON'T PULP OUR FUTURE" banners and placards everywhere. Student participation was really good, so many young people caring abour their future and the future of Tasmania. It was an amazing turnout. Its only the beginning!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This rally was such an amazing experience it was so much fun!! it was such a great turn out and to know that so many young people in our community really do care about what happens to this amazing and beautiful state we live in. it was great to have the satisfaction that we were making a difference so thanks heaps to everyone who organized it! THIS PULP MILL STINKS!!